caution wet floorOut of all the moisture issues Wisconsin homeowners must face, a flooded basement can be one of the most intimidating. Even such a small amount as a couple inches of water in your basement can cause immeasurable damage, so it’s important to take action as soon as possible to solve the problem and clean up the mess. Keep reading for some helpful tips for cleaning up your basement after it is flooded. Not sure what’s causing your flooding problem? The foundation repair and basement waterproofing experts at Zablocki Waterproofing can locate the source of your moisture issue.

Cleaning Up Your Basement After It’s Flooded

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breakerSafety First

First things first, stay safe during your cleanup efforts. The very first thing you want to do before you even venture into the affected area of your home or commercial building is to cut off that area’s electricity. We all know what happens when we combine water with electricity, so be sure to cut the power before you do anything else. The second thing you want to do before venturing into the depths of the structure is suit up. Even if the flood was caused by excessive rainwater, there’s no telling what sort of bacteria and other illness-inducing things could be floating around in that water. You can opt to wear whatever protective gear you find necessary, but we recommend waterproof boots and gloves at a minimum. Lastly, if possible, get some fresh air moving by opening up some doors and windows.[grid_row_close]

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moving couchClear the Area

Once you’re sure that there is no power being routed to the flooded area, it’s time to start actually flexing those muscles. Begin by removing all electronics and any other belongings you can. Then, move whatever furniture you can. The quicker you move your things out of the water, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to save some of your stuff. Be sure to remove all rugs, and if the flooded area is carpeted, that will also need to be removed. Do your best to have fun with this part. If you sort through all of your waterlogged stuff with a negative attitude, the rest of the cleanup will only be more stressful.  [grid_row_close]

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spilling waterRemove the Water

The important thing here is to remove all standing water from your basement to prevent mold growth and other moisture problems. Depending on the amount of water you’re looking at, you may be okay with towels and mops, or you may need to rent a sump pump from your local hardware store. You may also opt to use a wet vacuum, but be cautious of where you plug it in, and avoid using extension cords. Either dump the water down the toilet if you have working plumbing, or dump it into other areas that will soak it up, such as your lawn. You may use the drains in your home, but hair other debris in the water may cause backup issues.[grid_row_close]

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dehumidifierDry the Area

If the flood affected any baseboards, drywall, subfloor, etc., you’ll want to remove this first to avoid mold growth. Once the basement has been cleared of all affected materials, it’s time to let it dry. You can use fans to speed up the process and open windows and doors. You may also opt to run a dehumidifier to limit the moisture in the air, but close the windows first, or you’ll be attempting to dehumidify all of Wisconsin. You may be disappointed to discover how much of your old building materials must be thrown out, but just think about all of the mold growth opportunities you’re eliminating.[grid_row_close]

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cleaning suppliesDisinfect the Area

Standing water plays host to all manner of bacteria and other nasty things, so be sure to disinfect every single surface that was touched by the water, and we do mean with a powerful disinfectant and something to scrub with. Be sure to also scrub any furniture you’re planning on salvaging from the flood. Anything and everything you’re planning on keeping that had contact with the water should get a good scrub down.[grid_row_close]

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trash cansSort Through Your Stuff

This part is never fun, but you’ll need to determine what can be saved and what needs to be thrown out. This will really depend on how much water was present in your basement and what types of belongings you had down there. Pillows, stuffed animals, and down blankets that have been soaked through should probably be thrown away while a blanket that only got a bit damp on one side can probably just go through the wash. Be sure to be responsible in the disposal of toxic chemicals, electronics, furniture, etc. Lastly, protect yourself from illness by not taking any chances. If something looks too waterlogged to be savable, then just throw it away.[grid_row_close]

We hope you never have to deal with flooding in your basement, but we hope these tips help you out if you do. Do you need foundation repair or basement waterproofing services in the Milwaukee area? Contact Zablocki Waterproofing, your leading foundation repair and waterproofing experts.

Many homeowners react to needing foundation repair services with panic. How has my concrete foundation moved so much, they wonder, and why is my foundation contractor telling me the problem is over there when the cracking I see is over here? Common misconceptions about foundations and foundation repair have made this prospect a frightening one for homeowners, but there’s no need to worry. Our foundation and waterproofing professionals at Zablocki Waterproofing can handle any repair you may need. Let’s look at some common misconceptions regarding foundation repair, so you can be knowledgeable about and confident in the work we do for you.

Common Foundation Repair Misconceptions

Only severe flooding will affect my home’s foundation.

While flooding can be a factor in many home repair needs, your home’s foundation is subject to any water that comes into contact with it, and it doesn’t take a massive flood to cause problems. The soil around your foundation expands and contracts as it is exposed to and dried of rainwater. This can cause movement, pressure, and other foundational issues over time, especially when it comes to poorly waterproofed basements. To ensure your home is protected from the natural effects of rainwater, why not invest in exterior waterproofing?

My foundation problem is a concrete problem.

Many homeowners assume that because foundation problems often reveal themselves in cracked or heaved concrete, it must be a problem with the concrete. On the contrary, your home’s foundation is not going to move or degrade unless outside forces, such as water, soil, pests, etc., work against it. For example, your foundation might have sat perfectly level when first installed, but shifting soil beneath it has caused it to heave upwards.

The cracks in my foundation tell me where the problem is.

Many homeowners assume that once they’ve located signs of cracking, they’ve also identified the source of the problem. Unfortunately, foundation repair is rarely this simple. A crack on one part of your foundation may be the result of movement in a completely different part of the house. The crack is actually the point at which the pressure was released, not necessarily where it originated.

I should avoid purchasing a home with a foundation problem.

This may seem like an intuitive decision for any prospective homeowners who aren’t looking for a project house, but a foundation problem shouldn’t eliminate options off of your house hunting list. Repairs and rebuilds are more than possible with today’s modern technology, equipment, and tools, and a newly repaired, reinforced, and waterproofed foundation may be the perfect way to begin your life in your new home stress free.

Is your basement damp or wet in places? Do you see cracking? Do some of your doors no longer close right? Don’t let a foundation problem eat away at the structural stability of your Milwaukee home. The foundation repair professionals at Zablocki Waterproofing can locate the cause of your foundation problem and provide you with a free estimate on what it will take to fix it. Get a consultation today.

We all rely on the structural stability of the homes we live in and the commercial buildings in which we work, shop, etc., but are you paying attention to the possible warning signs of foundation issues? Ensure the stability of your structure and avoid costly future repairs by keeping an eye out for these indications of a foundation problem.

4 Common Signs Of Foundation Issues  

Sticky Doors

Have you noticed that your interior doors seem to be sticking because the bottom drags? Do your exterior doors hang unevenly with one top corner sitting higher than the other? If either of these issues lasts longer than a few days and is not the result of humidity due to a heavy rain or flooding incident, it can indicate a foundation problem.

Gaps Around Windows & Doors

Gaps around your property’s windows or exterior doors could indicate a serious foundation problem. Some doors with gapping issues will no longer latch, and windows may not operate correctly at all.

Excessive Moisture in Basement

If your basement or crawl space seems to allow in moisture, your foundation could probably use some repair or waterproofing services. Excessive moisture can cause a whole host of problems, so it’s important to pay attention to any indications of it in your foundation.

Separating Cabinets & Counters

Foundation issues can cause many indications that your walls are no longer level. If you notice that your counters or cabinets are beginning to separate themselves from the walls, this could indicate a foundation issue that is causing serious structural problems.

If you notice any of these signs of a foundation issue or any of the signs discussed in part one on this topic, please contact the foundation repair professionals at Zablocki Waterproofing. You can call or get in touch with us online.

The structural stability of your home or other property begins within the foundation or basement, so ignoring possible foundation issues is never a good idea. Keep an eye out for these common signs of foundation trouble to keep your structure stable and to avoid costly future repairs.

4 Common Signs Of Foundation Issues  

Cracks or Fractures

It is expected that your home or commercial building will settle a certain amount for the first few years after the initial construction, but excessive foundation movement can cause significant cracking. Small “hairline” fractures are not typically cause for alarm, but larger fissures along your foundation or basement floor or walls could indicate a much larger problem.

Heaving Foundation

Slab foundations may experience upward heaving due to moisture, frost, and other factors. This is typically easy to identify as garage walls are prone to being pushed up, but a heaving foundation might also affect the interior of your structure.

Sinking Foundation

Do you notice that one side of your home sits higher or lower than the other side? Do your floors slope toward the center of your commercial building? Both of these could be signs of a settling or sinking foundation. A certain amount of settling is expected, but sinking foundations need to be repaired as soon as possible to ensure the structural integrity of your home or commercial property.

Uneven Floors

Besides posing tripping dangers, uneven floors can be an indicator of serious foundation issues. If you notice that your floors are uneven, dipping, or sagging, seek professional assistance as soon as you can.

The foundation repair professionals at Zablocki Waterproofing can take care of your residential or commercial repair needs. Don’t let a failing foundation put the structure of your property at risk. Read part two on this topic to learn about other signs of foundation issues, and contact us for you foundation repair needs today.

You’re exploring your unfinished basement, searching for that favorite childhood toy, and reliving some of your happiest memories when you see it—that crack that’s in the wall didn’t use to be there. Your immediate response may be to begin a search for foundation contractors who can ensure that your basement won’t take a turn for the worst, but keep in mind that it’s common for basement walls to crack: that’s a fact. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons that a crack in your basement walls can happen.

  • The walls can shrink. It is common for basement walls to expand and contract as they dry, and there are many factors to take into consideration. Humidity and the mixture used for your wall can have a huge effect on the way it expands and contracts.  
  • The ground may be wet. Oversaturation of the soil surrounding your basement walls means that the soil will likely expand, putting pressure on your foundation and causing a crack to occur. Dirt is heavy and wet dirt is heavier; having that weight against the wall can push on it, which means a crack is imminent.
  • The ground might be too dry. Conversely to the ground being too wet, the ground being too dry can mean that the soil is shrinking. This can cause your foundation to shift outwards and, you guessed it, cracks will show up. Roots from trees also spread out in times of drought when they’re seeking water which can push against your foundation.
  • Gas, sewer, and electric lines weaken concrete. The fact that these lines push through your walls means that there’s naturally a weak point in that area. Weak points in your concrete often lead to cracks. These lines are necessary for your home to function properly, but it’s important to keep an eye on them.

Foundation cracks are common; every house will likely experience them at some point or another. It’s an inevitability. Keep track of the cracks in your foundation. If you’re concerned, it’s absolutely vital to call in foundation contractors to make sure that you don’t have a serious problem on your hands. The most important thing to remember is that if you notice that a crack is getting larger, don’t put it off. The problem won’t disappear on its own. Check out a list of the services we can provide.

We know that many people store their memories in boxes in the basement, and we also know how important it is to protect those memories. Contact us at Zablocki Waterproofing and we’ll take a look if you’ve noticed an alarming crack in your foundation. We’ll make sure that you understand the problem and what needs to be done about it, and you can be sure we won’t oversell you. You’ll get exactly what you need and nothing more. We’ve been keeping Milwaukee dry since 1985 and you can be sure that if there’s a crack in your foundation, we’re the foundation contractors you need to call. Get in touch with us today!

Wet basement solutions are never something a person wants to have to seek out. You might have noticed that your walls are damp or wet, or, even worse, that they’re cracked. Regardless of whether you’ve got a living room in your basement, or you use your unfinished basement as a space for storage, damp or cracked walls can lead to a problem with your foundation. Many people know that keeping the foundation intact is important, but what are the other issues you could encounter in a wet basement?

Nobody wants a moldy basement. It smells bad, it can destroy your possessions, and it could even make your family ill. Nasal conditions, sore throats, and coughing and sneezing have all been linked to the existence of mold in a home. It also opens the door for spiders, bacteria, mites, and even nematodes (nematodes have a digestive system on both ends of their bodies- nobody wants that in their home!). If you keep your home at a normal temperature, most of the previously mentioned unwanted creatures will be just as comfortable in your space as you are. Because they’ll be happy with your temperature, the thing you can control best in your home is the amount of moisture in it.

If you’re seeking wet basement solutions due to the existence of mold in your home, Zablocki Waterproofing can offer assistance in foundation repair. We’ll provide you with a free estimate with what you will need to get your basement back to being a comfortable, moisture-free living space. Contact us today and let us be your source for wet basement solutions.

What Causes A Cracked Foundation?