If you’re considering building yourself a new home, waterproofing your basement walls may not be at the top of the list of things you’re thinking about. A little mental effort now will be well worth it in the long run, though. We’ve come up with a list of things to consider when you’re working through the homebuilding process.

Landscaping Your Lawn
You might be tempted to think no further than what type of landscaping looks good, but it’s important to build out your landscape with proper drainage in mind. With a little brainstorming, you can have the best of both worlds. A well-landscaped lawn can be pleasing to the eye and functional when it’s done right.

Gutters don’t have much to do with waterproofing basement walls, do they? They can help your home much more than you think. Giving your lawn room to absorb water can make a huge difference in keeping your basement water-free. Extending the spouts farther from the house spreads out the water further from the house. Keeping gutters free from leaves is your first line of protection.

Trees and Plants
Keeping your lawn full of trees and shrubs is a great idea, and it can really make your place look beautiful. Just be sure that they’re in the right place where they won’t damage water lines with their roots.

These are just a few ways you can supplement waterproofing basement walls when building a new house. As always, Zablocki Waterproofing is here to help, so give us a call today if you need help thinking through a strategy to ensure basement waterproofing in Milwaukee!


You’re exploring your unfinished basement, searching for that favorite childhood toy, and reliving some of your happiest memories when you see it—that crack that’s in the wall didn’t use to be there. Your immediate response may be to begin a search for foundation contractors who can ensure that your basement won’t take a turn for the worst, but keep in mind that it’s common for basement walls to crack: that’s a fact. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons that a crack in your basement walls can happen.

  • The walls can shrink. It is common for basement walls to expand and contract as they dry, and there are many factors to take into consideration. Humidity and the mixture used for your wall can have a huge effect on the way it expands and contracts.  
  • The ground may be wet. Oversaturation of the soil surrounding your basement walls means that the soil will likely expand, putting pressure on your foundation and causing a crack to occur. Dirt is heavy and wet dirt is heavier; having that weight against the wall can push on it, which means a crack is imminent.
  • The ground might be too dry. Conversely to the ground being too wet, the ground being too dry can mean that the soil is shrinking. This can cause your foundation to shift outwards and, you guessed it, cracks will show up. Roots from trees also spread out in times of drought when they’re seeking water which can push against your foundation.
  • Gas, sewer, and electric lines weaken concrete. The fact that these lines push through your walls means that there’s naturally a weak point in that area. Weak points in your concrete often lead to cracks. These lines are necessary for your home to function properly, but it’s important to keep an eye on them.

Foundation cracks are common; every house will likely experience them at some point or another. It’s an inevitability. Keep track of the cracks in your foundation. If you’re concerned, it’s absolutely vital to call in foundation contractors to make sure that you don’t have a serious problem on your hands. The most important thing to remember is that if you notice that a crack is getting larger, don’t put it off. The problem won’t disappear on its own. Check out a list of the services we can provide.

We know that many people store their memories in boxes in the basement, and we also know how important it is to protect those memories. Contact us at Zablocki Waterproofing and we’ll take a look if you’ve noticed an alarming crack in your foundation. We’ll make sure that you understand the problem and what needs to be done about it, and you can be sure we won’t oversell you. You’ll get exactly what you need and nothing more. We’ve been keeping Milwaukee dry since 1985 and you can be sure that if there’s a crack in your foundation, we’re the foundation contractors you need to call. Get in touch with us today!

Everyone wants a waterproof basement, and thanks to modern technology and a good waterproofing contractor, we can set your home up to be in good shape when the rain comes. Zablocki Waterproofing has the experience to give you an ideal scenario in terms of cost-effective solutions to your property, but is there anything you can do for yourself? Keeping your window wells from flooding will go a long way towards your goal of having a waterproof basement. Here are the benefits and drawbacks of using window wells in your basement.


  • In addition to letting in plenty of beautiful, natural light, a window downstairs can help your home to stay cool
  • Thanks to their ventilating properties, your home won’t smell damp or musty, and you can actually enjoy being in your basement.
  • Window well covers can take the punishment of a bad storm with ease while keeping your windows looking good.


  • When done improperly, a window well can flood, completely destroying any hopes you had for a waterproof basement.
  • Be sure that the drain on your window well is functioning properly because if it isn’t, water will back up into the well.
  • The drain can become clogged with dirt, leaves, and other leftover bits of landscaping materials.

If an unfortunate event has occurred and you’re in need of waterproofing services, give Zablocki Waterproofing a call. We’ll ensure that you have a waterproof basement in Milwaukee, and we never oversell our services. Contact us today for a free consultation!