Does Foundation Repair Really Work? | Zablocki Waterproofing
Does Basement Waterproofing Increase Home Value? | Zablocki Waterproofing
Waterproofing Considerations When Installing a Basement Bathroom
Do You Need Drain Tile to Keep Your Basement Dry?
5 Ways to Improve Your Lawn Drainage: Solutions for Common Problems
Landscaping Tips to Keep Your Home's Foundation in Tip-Top Shape
House Hunting? Don’t Miss These Foundation Red Flags

Almost Home

For many of us, the process of searching for a new home is fraught with coming across available homes that are almost the perfect fit for our wants and needs. However, the dozens of homes we consider just seem to be lacking the one or two factors that sway us into purchasing, ultimately making the process of finding a new home an often maddening one. But, out of nowhere, we find the home of our dreams — or, at least the home within our budget. So the day comes where you get the grand tour of your potential new home and it’s perfect! All of the flooring is in great shape, the colors across the house fit your liking (so no need for costly painting), and the kitchen has all of the outlets in just the right places for all of your cooking gadgets. Sounds like it’s the perfect match.

…But then you see the basement. It’s unfinished, smells musty and flat out weird — and then the realtor tells you that there are foundation issues; the walls are cracked, and the moisture problem needs to be addressed. Now the choice is yours: do you sign and move in, or do you request a professional take a look at the property before moving in? While some realtors won’t allow this, it’s certainly in your best interest to have foundation repair experts take a look at your home before crossing the Ts and dotting the Is. With over 20 years of foundation repair experience, the professionals at Zablocki Waterproofing have the experience, talent, and know-how to properly inspect and repair your home’s foundation. Curious about other signs to be on the lookout for when considering a home or foundation repair? Read on to learn more.


Click Here to View Our Foundation Repair Services


Before Buying

While we’re not here to tell you how to decide which home you should purchase, we would like to offer a word of advice: if you suspect or are certain that your potential home has structural issues that might or will certainly require foundation repair, then it’s best to have us come in and take a look before you sign on the dotted line. Again, while some realtors won’t allow this, it’s always a good idea to request a foundation inspection prior to purchasing. While you may end up footing the bill, that bill will certainly be smaller than the cost of serious foundation repair in the future. And, whether your potential home needs minor or major repair can be the deciding factor between buying or letting this particular home sit on the market.

While we implore you to give us a call to come take a look at your potential home before you sign, we understand that this isn’t an option that our all of our Milwaukee area neighbors have. So if you’re taking a tour of your maybe-home, here are a few things to be on the lookout for:


Basement Walls that are Bent or Bowing

Basements are notorious for attracting moisture. While this is a problem across most states, southeastern Wisconsin’s relatively humid climate is the perfect breeding ground for basement moisture; between heavy spring snowmelt, rain, and the humidity coming off the lake throughout the year, it’s difficult not to have a moist basement. However, moisture makes the soil around your homes heavy and applies pressure to basement walls. Once the soil dries out, pressure is relieved from the walls. If this is repeated often, the structural integrity of the walls become compromised.


Cracked Interior Walls

Most often seen when the house begins to settle, cracks are a sign of a potential (or already) big problem. Most modern homes are designed to withstand a great deal of compression and release before the problem becomes too great. However, these cracks are not to be ignored. If you see cracks in the basement’s interior walls, it’s a sign your home is settling.


Ajar or Poorly Closed Doors and Windows

If you’ve ever tried to close a door only to have to turn right around and push or pull it closed, then you’ve probably been in a house that needs foundation repair. If that door is a tight fit or your windows are extremely difficult (or there’s a lot of wriggle room around where they should be sealed) then that’s also a sign that foundation repair is needed.


Call the Foundation Repair Experts Today

Whether you’re considering a home or you’ve already purchased it only to learn that foundation repair is needed, or you suspect it is needed, don’t hesitate to reach out to the pros at Zablocki Waterproofing today for a free quote today. Ensuring your foundation is structurally sound is one of the most important investments you can make when considering home repair and safety. Choose Quality. Choose Zablocki.

Cool Down

If you’ve had the unique fortune of experiencing even one of Milwaukee’s signature bitterly cold winters, you’re likely part of the large portion of the Milwaukee area who counts down the days to summer. But now, with summer slowly giving way to cooler fall temperatures, it’s time to start thinking about the coming colder months. Not that we’re trying to overlook and not enjoy the last few days of summer, but cooler weather spells changes in our homes’ foundations, basements, and other areas of our homes. When the weather changes, parts of our homes expand and contract; even the slightest amount of shifting can make our homes vulnerable to attracting moisture. And, with snow never far away in Milwaukee, choosing to waterproof your basement before the snow hits is always a smart investment. If you’re considering basement waterproofing before winter arrives, we implore you to read on to learn more about the importance of having reliable basement waterproofing.


Click Here to Learn More About Our Basement Waterproofing Services


Before the Cold Arrives

There’s never a bad time to enlist our basement waterproofing services. However, there are times that are better than others to do so. If you’re thinking of waiting until the snow is gone to waterproof your basement, we’d encourage you to consider some of the following reasons why spring may not be the best time to do so. While many of our Milwaukee area neighbors see spring as a time to clean their homes from top to bottom, basement waterproofing isn’t always the best task to include during this time since spring is often rainy and the snow melts…and then it snows again, leaving lots of water to find its way into your basement.

Taking time to schedule your basement waterproofing before the snow hits is a smart move. Not only is fall in Milwaukee a lovely season, but it’s perfect for having your basement waterproofed. Although the weather is cooling down, it’s usually not cold enough to force your home to contract as much as it would during the winter, allowing us all the space we need to implement our basement waterproofing services.


Why Not Winter?

While getting your basement waterproofing checked off your list before the snow arrives is a good goal to have, we understand if you can’t make this work. Getting your basement waterproofed during winter isn’t impossible; we offer our basement waterproofing service year-round. However, waiting until winter to have us take a look at your basement and foundation does run some risks. If you’ve spent just a bit of time in the Milwaukee area, you know that the snow can show up, melt, and reappear in a matter of days — sometimes in one 24-hour period. This means that there’s a chance the snow could melt and find its way uninvitedly into your basement prior to us finishing the job. Though this risk is rare, it’s often better to have the peace of mind of knowing your basement is waterproofed before the hint of snow. If you’re ready to add value and waterproof security to your home, reach out to use today for your free consultation or to schedule your project today. Choose Quality. Choose Zablocki.

April Showers Bring Mayflowers While the Basement Sours

Prevent Floods, Molding, & Irreparable Damages

When the temporary mountains of greyed and salt-encrusted slush that once resembled snow begin to melt across the Milwaukee area, the city and suburbs come to life, eager to escape the confines of a Wisconsin winter. After five months in close quarters, seemingly every person in the Milwaukee area sheds their shelters for warmer, longer days, we (understandably) attempt to soak up as much sun as we can between those unpredictable and quintessentially Milwaukee days of frigid mornings and balmy evenings. Yet while we flee our homes for the shores of Bradford Beach or points further afield, our basements are bearing brunt of the thaw. Consider this: our basements are literally the cornerstones of our homes, and keeping them safe and sturdy are integral maintaining a comfortable home. These safety measures include keeping your basement free of water, whether leaking, standing, or pipes in danger of bursting. If you’ve already begun your mad dash to get out of the house, pump the brakes and continue reading to learn more about the importance of basement waterproofing.


Save Time, Money, & Hassle

When spring arrives, likely the furthest thing from your mind is anything to do with your home, (outside of the handful of spring cleaning chores that get handed off to the kids). However, it’s of the utmost importance that we don’t neglect the room(s) about which we often forget: the basement. Let’s face it: it seems that this part of the house is often the most unvisited, and, accordingly, the least thought about. When we ignore our basements’ foundational health, we inadvertently dismiss the structural integrity of most homes. Foundation contractors have long warned homeowners and landlords of the dangers associated with poor basement waterproofing methods.


Never Too Little, Never Too Late: Waterproof Your Basement

Unfortunately, when the aforementioned warnings are not heeded (or simply overlooked and forgotten), tragic consequences can result. Namely, standing water in your basement can signal a host of devastating challenges — many of which involve wet basement solutions from qualified basement leak repair teams, foundation contractors, and waterproofing contractors. The latter may sound odd, but if you’ve experienced a flooded and/or water-damaged basement, you surely understand the importance of hiring well-qualified and professional basement waterproofing contractors. Waterproofing walls is an excellent first and preventative step that prepares you for a  waterproof basement. When you choose Zablocki Waterproofing for all of your basement waterproofing needs, you’re choosing unrivaled basement waterproofing skill, costs that adhere to nearly any budget, and care that remains unsurpassed by Milwaukee area competitors.


Don’t Let The Slush Find its Way Into Your Home

We at Zablocki have seen our fair share of Wisconsin winters, and know all too well the ramifications of a slushier-than-normal spring. This empathy has found its way into our dedicated and client-focused basement waterproofing business; we want our Milwaukee area neighbors to be able to enjoy the longer days and warmer rays without the worry of a flooded or ruined basement. Think you’re on your way to a flooded basement? Give us a call today to learn more about how Zablocki Waterproofing can begin protecting or repairing your basement. Already have a basement repair project in mind and are curious about the cost, timeframe, and intended results? Even better. Check out our consultation form to schedule your free Zablocki Waterproofing consultation today. Don’t spend your spring looking for wet basement solutions or other frustrating, belabored, and costly basement leak repairs. Let Zablocki Waterproofing keep your home safe, dry, and ready to take on the slush.